👋 Hi, I am Roy C. Jones

At vero eos et accusamus etodio dignissimos ducimus praesentium voluptatum corrupti quos dolores quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate provident qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum
My Expertise

Provide Wide Range of
Website Services

Web Design

I will design Your wordpress website using breakdance or bricks Builder with your any requirements
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Web Development

I will design Your wordpress website using breakdance or bricks Builder with your any requirements
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My Skills

Service Pricing

I can help you by building a Professional Website for your Business or company
$ 100
Client Support 24/7hrs
Responsive Landing Page design+ Mobile friendly + Basic Speed Optimization
  • Functional website
  • 1 page Design
  • Customization
  • Content upload
  • Responsive design
  • 1 plugin/extension
  • E-commerce functionality
Client Support 24/7hrs
Custom develop Website+ less code + Standard Package + Extra Pages + Intermediate SEO + Breakdance Lessons + Tips
  • Headless cms
  • Functional website
  • 10+ page Design
  • Customization
  • Content upload
  • Responsive design
  • 10 plugin/extension
  • E-commerce functionality
  • 60 days maintenance


Beautiful minimalist design and great, fast response with support. Highly recommend. Thanks Marketify!
Armin Van Buuren
Beautiful minimalist design and great, fast response with support. Highly recommend. Thanks Marketify!
Armin Van Buuren
Beautiful minimalist design and great, fast response with support. Highly recommend. Thanks Marketify!
Armin Van Buuren
Latest Case Study



Experienced With

Find the answer to all of Your Questions

Yes! :) , but first contact me to discuss the project

Yes - I can clone/copy any WordPress website using Breakdance, Bricks, or Elementor.

Only your WordPress Login Info.

Yes, I have many samples.Please check my current portfolio case study and contact me for details :)

Yes, you can do that. I will provide you a video tutorial to make changes to some minor elements.

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    Or you can also contact me on contact@wpbuilderpros.com
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